Mittwoch, der 29. August 2018
in International
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Are you a young person, organization or company looking to share your innovations, models and knowledge on urban youth development in Africa, Asia Pacific and Latin America? Would you like to be a speaker, exhibitor or moderator? Urban YouthConnekt Session 2018 to be held in Kigali, Rwanda is a perfect opportunity for you! If this
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<!doctype html> CONSULTANT VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT Issued on 28 August 2018 ORGANIZATIONAL LOCATION: UNITED NATIONS, GIGIRI DUTY STATION: NAIROBI FUNCTIONAL TITLE: SPATIAL DATA EXPERT DURATION: SIX MONTHS CLOSING DATE: 7 September 2018 BACKGROUND UN- Habitat established the Global Urban Observatory (GUO) unit under the Research, Capacity Building and Development branch of UN-Habitat as
Dienstag, der 28. August 2018
in International
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<!doctype html> CONSULTANT VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT Issued on: 28 August 2018 ORGANIZATIONAL LOCATION: UN-HABITAT, Slum Upgrading Unit DUTY STATION: Nairobi FUNCTIONAL TITLE: Slum Upgrading and Urban Renewal Expert DURATION: 12 months with option of extension Background The overall aim of the assignment is to support the successful implementation of the Participatory Slum Upgrading Programme (PSUP)
Dienstag, der 28. August 2018
in International
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Accra, 28 August 2018 – Over 100 participants drawn from nearly 20 African countries and other partners recently gathered in the Ghanaian capital Accra to mull ways of curbing the runaway road accidents- as well as the attendant mortality- and to improve urban mobility on the continent. The meeting was held against the milieu that every
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Maceió, Brazil, 27 August 2018— UN-Habitat recently hosted a lecture on “How to implement the global agenda for sustainable urban development in Alagoas: Considerations and connections with international experiences”. The event was held in Maceió, the capital of the State of Alagoas, Brazil. Claudio Acioly, UN-Habitat’s Head of the Capacity Development Unit delivered the lecture
Sonntag, der 26. August 2018
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Beit Lahia, Gaza Strip, 16 August 2018 – Coinciding with the Joint UN Campaign in the State of Palestine to celebrate the International Youth Day, UN-Habitat jointly with UN-Women, the Palestinian Housing Council, Aisha Association for Woman and child protection, and GGateway inaugurated the second safe and inclusive community garden in Beit Lahia in Gaza
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Based on the successful partnership between UN-Habitat Egypt and General Organization for Physical Planning and New Urban Communities (GOPP) to design the Al-Alamein New City (17,000 feddans – 3 Million inhabitants) using a new paradigm in planning and establishing new towns following principles aligned with the New Urban Agenda and the SDGs (for more information
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The world celebrates International Youth Day this month with calls for the creation of safe spaces for youth. Young people in Kenya comprise the largest part of the entire population, with three quarters being under the age of 30. The provision of space is critical for their positive development.
Mittwoch, der 22. August 2018
in International
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Fukuoka, Japan 22 August 2018—A group of experts and government representatives from around the world recently gathered in Fukuoka for the first ever Global Symposium on Urban and Territorial Planning. This was a follow-up to an event four years ago when UN-Habitat invited international planning experts to conclude the drafting of the International Guidelines on
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(Adopted by the UN Communications Group, 2 March 2006) * Introduction Set up in 2002 at the initiative of the United Nations Secretary-General, the United Nations Communications Group (UNCG) has emerged as a strong unifying platform for dealing with common communications challenges facing the United Nations. The Group, which includes communications offices of all United

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